Autor: Medeiros de Oliveira, Verúzia
Date of document: December, 23-2021
Abstract: The Constitution of 1988 and the Law of Guidelines and Bases (LDB) of 1996 establish the right of all levels of education, being a duty of the State and the Family to enforce it. The purpose of education is the development of their work for citizenship and their qualification for work. In the midst of the challenge of having a quality education, the projects that can be applied can be used throughout the teaching-learning process. From the same perspective, it investigates the challenges of its elaboration and effectiveness in the school. The present research presents a perspective on the challenges of the elaboration and execution of the Political Project Pedagogical (PPP) of a school unit. In addition to presenting a research on the role of each manager, employee and the local community. Thus, this research aims to bring together the process of construction of the Educational Policy in the School Unit of the Integrated Center for Education of Ducks (CIEP II). Anesio Leão / Miguel Motta – PB. For this topic, a case-study methodology was used to apply the focal method and the development of a questionnaire to guide an interview. Six teachers were interviewed. The results of the police concept were submitted to teachers interviewed. However, when it was a model inserted in a phase after the academic formation on the part of the interviewees, admitted to have gone in search of understanding better than the term P.P.P. Only after a greater urgency. It is also noticed that a school should be undertaken and developed according to the P.P.P. according to the real needs of the community, setting goals and determining deadlines. There is still a need to apply a measure of work with the student who does not have a family control. Finally, it can be seen that continuing education for the teachers of the school group under study, especially in relation to fieldwork.
Keywords: Education; political pedagogical project; teacher; students.