Autor: Ferreira de Oliveira Umbelino, Patricia
Date of document: December, 21-2021
Abstract: This research aims to promote theoretical, research that can discuss the myths surrounding the concept of Early Childhood Education regarding the realization of pedagogical practices to the child’s intellectual development 0-6 years. The general objective of this work aims to highlight the children’s education is indeed important for the child’s intellectualization process 0-6 years. The intent is to deconstruct the myth that children in early childhood attending school space, only recreationally without specific learning purposes. The specific objectives intended; conduct a historical discussion of the theoretical point of view of the first concept of a child in the most archaic societies, to establish a counterpoint to the vision of the child and its development nowadays. In second instance, the objective is to understand whether the offerings of educational setting are compatible with the needs that lead parents to put their children in school at this stage of its development, finally, identify, and discuss the positive and negative aspects of education in infancy. It is expected from the problems highlighted that this research can contemplate vertical dialogue between the theoretical assumption, the parental concern and the front school offers the guarantee of applicable law in 2015. Therefore, we used the contributions of theorists such as Jean Piaget (1999) LS Vygotsky (2005) and Paulo Freire (1987). The research was divided into three main chapters, in which the objectives will be presented, discussed and elucidated based on the proposals of the authors cited. However, they were consulted contemporary authors, pedagogical magazines, interactive sites and constitutional guidelines to support the propositions that guide this work. The author aims at expanding the look for the child in focus, seeing the contributions that this research may leave the child’s field of study, the laws that suggest productive interventions and especially for parents, as the author who pass, passed or will pass through the questions and concerns when choosing the institutionto put your child.
Keywords: Early Childhood Education; School; Learning; Intellectual development.