Autor: de Farias Moura, Alessandra
Date of document: December, 16-2021
Abstract: This research is related to the study of Public Policies aimed at students with disabilities in Higher Education. Discussions around people with disabilities and their insertion in the school environment gained centrality from the 1990s onwards, assuming the adoption of measures that would guarantee equal access for people with any and all types of disabilities, as an integral part of higher education. For reasons, we seek Decree n. 62,150/1968; the Salamanca Declaration; the 1988 Federal Constitution; the Law of Education Guidelines and Bases Law No. 9,394 / 96; the National Special Education Policy in the Perspective of Inclusive Education MEC / 08, the National Education Plan – PNE (2014/2024), as well as other authors who contributed to the development and analysis of this study. In this context of discussion, the work had as its general objective: to understand through the literature the consequences of public policies for inclusive education and actions developed for students with disabilities in Higher Education at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Methodologically, a study was carried out with a qualitative approach to analyze the phenomenon studied in greater depth through the documents. In addition, we define this study as a bibliographic and documentary research, using both the legal question and scholars who contribute to the production of knowledge and are essential to discuss this study topic. The Analysis and Discussion of Results revealed to us that the inclusive education process involves overcoming different orders, for this it is necessary that we can aim and create a support network between students, family, university, teachers, among other subjects who participate in the life in society. That is, it is necessary that all the subjects that compose the educational and social scope, can unite in favor of the realization of inclusion. In this sense, we list some roles that are central and that have a direct relationship with the educational scenario, as well as the research provided other results reported within this study. Final considerations showed that the reality of accessibility for people with disabilities in Brazilian Higher Education is still incipient, with discrepancies between the different disabilities. In both research and media reports, the movement to fight and confront the legally guaranteed right is perceived, which often does not become a practice.
Keywords: Public policies; Inclusive education; College education. Disabled people.