Autor: Severo da Silva, Nivalda
Date of document: September, 17-2021
Abstract: The Specialized Educational Assistance is constituted as a service of Special Education that aims to identify, elaborate and organize pedagogical and accessibility resources that eliminate the barriers for the full participation of the students, considering their specific needs. The research aims to investigate the challenges and possibilities of the implementation and operation of the specialized educational service in the municipal network of the city of Patos-PB. In addition to the theoretical constructs of Bridi (2006), Mantoan (2003), Mendes (2006), and others, such as the LDB, the National Curricular Guidelines and the Resolutions dealing with Special Education in the inclusive perspective, , among others. The research has a qualitative and exploratory approach, sought to reflect on the data obtained and contribute to the discussion of the theme. For data collection, a research technique known as the Focal Group was used, with the participation of 7 teachers and 2 coordinators directly involved with the Specialized Educational service developed in the municipal network of Patos-PB. The research pointed out that the process of implementation of multifunctional resource rooms in the municipality of Patos-PB began in 2005 with training courses within an inclusive practice for diversity, which currently has 11 rooms, of these 10 in full operation . The results of the research pointed out that the Specialized Educational Service has been understood by the teachers responsible for the rooms as an important service that assists in the learning of the disabled student, however presents several challenges for its effective realization and of quality listed by it as: problems in the relationship between teacher of the EEA and regular room, excessive obligations of the EEA professional, problems of lack of commitment of the families that compromise the attendances and the use of multifunctional resource rooms with purposes different from those foreseen. It was concluded that despite the importance of the Multifunctional Resource Rooms and the ESA for the development of the teaching-learning process and inclusion of children withdisabilities, there are still challenges to be overcome in order to guarantee quality education and that respect the differences to take effect.