Autor: Justino do Nascimento, Rosinete
Date of document: September, 17-2021
Abstract: Youth and Adult Education (EJA) is a type of education, aimed at students who did not have access to school at the proper age or for various reasons abandoned their studies at the elementary or high school level. Due to the fact that this modality concentrates students over 15 years of age, most of whom are workingbecause they have already constituted their family nucleus. Often these students are divided between studies, work and family care and, therefore, it is not always possible to reconcile these functions, causing them to drop out of studies. In this context, the objective was to know and evaluate the main challenges faced by educators and students in order to obtain a Quality Education that distances the student from evasion in the EJA of the Abreu e Lima School. For this, field research of a descriptive nature was developed, using qualitative and quantitativetechniques. Using the methodology of applying questionnaires to teachers and students of the EJA of a public school in the State of Pernambuco, performing ananalysis through graphics of each item of the questionnaire. From the data obtained in the field research, it was possible to identify that Work is the priority of the students and in situations that have to choose between work and study, most would choose work, where their livelihood comes from. As a result, the finding that pedagogical practices influence the learning, interaction and motivation of students to remain and continue with their studies at EJA. It was also observed that the provision of quality education would contribute topermanence. The results of this research are based on the reality experienced atthe Escola Estadual de Abreu e Lima, which we believe to be a representative sample of the reality of numerous Brazilian schools that offer Education for Youthand Adults.