Autor: Maria da Silva Santos, Josefa
Date of document: December, 23-2021
Abstract: The present work had as objective to investigate the symptoms and factors associated with Burnout Syndrome acquired during professional practice, in elementary school teachers who teach at a municipal school in the city of Gravatá – PE. For some theorists in this study, such as Coutinho; Lisboa (2011), among others, the teacher went through profound changes, from flexible contracts, increased workload, demand for diversity at work, among other aspects that ended up having a direct impact on the quality of professional life and health of teachers. Under this scenario, we may perceive occupational stress, which triggers Burnout Syndrome (BS), a psychosocial phenomenon related to a chronic response of the body to stressors present in the work environment, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Regarding the research methodology, this research is part of a descriptive and exploratory approach. This is a study with a qualitative and quantitative approach, with the participation of 40 (forty) teachers who teach in Elementary School II of Gravatá municipal public schools Amenayde Farias and Capitão José Primo de Oliveira. At the end of the study, the results indicated the following: some participants had symptoms of Burnout; classroom threat cases; long working hours; less than 51 years old; teachers were found to have a high level of Depersonalization; high level of Emotional Exhaustion and Personal Achievement at Work. The results obtained in this study demonstrate the occurrence of Burnout syndrome in the teachers of the institutions researched at alarming levels. The perceived signs and symptoms reported in the information are corroborated by the data obtained by MBI-ED. Finally, in the final considerations, we found that coping with Burnout should not be left to the teacher alone, but should be a responsibility that involves the entire school community. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the reality of each educational institution in order to understand the structured form as roots of the syndrome and to develop to face it. As well as suggestions for future studies, in addition to work-related limitations.